Level 0

Absolute skeptic

Here lies the skeptic and all of his or her agnostic friends. Not believing in anything beyond their five sensory perception, these folks are often very analytical and need to actually see water falling from the sky before they accept a forecast of rain. Succinctly put, agnostics lack any belief, including a belief that God does not exist. Perpetually sitting the fence, such skeptics will never set foot on the soils of faith nor will they give much validity to their own experiences lest they come with the approval of the mainstream social norm.

In the world of a level 0 woowoo, Elvis is most certainly dead, UFO’s are a collective hallucination of lesser minds, and anybody who claims psychic powers belongs in a mental institution. The very thought of a being more intelligent then their computer is most egregious to a level 0 woowoo.


  • Here’s some tips about agnostics from one:
    Agnostics know that they don’t know. That leaves them open to the possibility of everything, including the existence of UFO’s. Agnostics may have a higher tendency to believe that life exists elsewhere, because it is probable. They might also assume that they will never meet an alien, because it is improbable.
    Belief, skepticism and woowoo are oranges to agnosticism’s apple, there are plenty of woowoo agnostics. The buddha was the uber-agnostic, and he was totally woowoo.

  • Here’s some tips about agnostics from one:
    Agnostics know that they don’t know. That leaves them open to the possibility of everything, including the existence of UFO’s. Agnostics may have a higher tendency to believe that life exists elsewhere, because it is probable. They might also assume that they will never meet an alien, because it is improbable.
    Belief, skepticism and woowoo are oranges to agnosticism’s apple, there are plenty of woowoo agnostics. The buddha was the uber-agnostic, and he was totally woowoo.

  • Kris,

    Well I guess I’m a ZERO on the woo-woo scale, although since I know that I’m a 10 in everything that this scale needs to be flipped.

    I’m guess this is tongue-in-cheek, let me check, OUCH, it ith, I’ll be stheeing you sthoon, I have to go the hosthpital now. How do you sthtop thith bleething?


  • Kris,

    Well I guess I’m a ZERO on the woo-woo scale, although since I know that I’m a 10 in everything that this scale needs to be flipped.

    I’m guess this is tongue-in-cheek, let me check, OUCH, it ith, I’ll be stheeing you sthoon, I have to go the hosthpital now. How do you sthtop thith bleething?


  • Skeptics are far more open-minded than woo-woo believers.

    Here's how it works: I am called “Closed-Minded” all the time by believers in alternative medicine, ghost believers, UFO proponents, and 9-11 conspiracy theorists.

    Actually, I was totally open to such suggestions, until I went to college and developed what are known as “critical thinking skills”. I then researched these subjects, and found their claims to be implausible, and their evidence to be shaky at best, or just plain made-up.

    I then changed my mind about these subjects, and realized that woo-woo is very attractive, very sexy, and makes sense to those who NEED them to be true in order to validate their beliefs.

    Unlike me, believers are FAR more closed-minded. They don't know any of the details behind their beliefs, and NO MATTER WHAT AMOUNT of evidence to the contrary of their beliefs, they will NOT change their minds. They just change the goalposts for their “gold standards” of proof of their beliefs, thus always avoiding the process of rational thought and conclusion, thus avoiding the pain of realizing that their beliefs are based in nothing at all. This can be very very painful indeed, and thus renders then closed-minded to the extreme, like a religious person who refuses to see any of the paradoxes and complete mistruths that plainly debunk their ideas, beliefs and dogmas.

    Closed-minded, indeed.

  • Skeptics are far more open-minded than woo-woo believers.

    Here's how it works: I am called “Closed-Minded” all the time by believers in alternative medicine, ghost believers, UFO proponents, and 9-11 conspiracy theorists.

    Actually, I was totally open to such suggestions, until I went to college and developed what are known as “critical thinking skills”. I then researched these subjects, and found their claims to be implausible, and their evidence to be shaky at best, or just plain made-up.

    I then changed my mind about these subjects, and realized that woo-woo is very attractive, very sexy, and makes sense to those who NEED them to be true in order to validate their beliefs.

    Unlike me, believers are FAR more closed-minded. They don't know any of the details behind their beliefs, and NO MATTER WHAT AMOUNT of evidence to the contrary of their beliefs, they will NOT change their minds. They just change the goalposts for their “gold standards” of proof of their beliefs, thus always avoiding the process of rational thought and conclusion, thus avoiding the pain of realizing that their beliefs are based in nothing at all. This can be very very painful indeed, and thus renders then closed-minded to the extreme, like a religious person who refuses to see any of the paradoxes and complete mistruths that plainly debunk their ideas, beliefs and dogmas.

    Closed-minded, indeed.

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